BITC serves a well-balanced, nutritious hot lunch and two snacks daily. The content of our meals is monitored by the Department of Education Bureau of Nutritional Services. Fresh fruit, whole milk, low fat milk and food generally low in sugar and fat are the rule. We are sensitive to food allergies and other dietary requirements.

The atmosphere in each classroom is warm, calm, and stimulating. A team of highly trained professional teachers designs and implements a daily program that meets the needs of each child in the group. When a child first enters BITC, we take special care to plan for a successful transition. The children are involved in activities which engage their intellects, emerging language and motor skills, and social emotional development. Children remain with the same group from year to year, moving through the classrooms with the support of their friends. To assure the continuity of care and education of our children, we maintain a close relationship with schools and community agencies.

The program is Administered by a full time Director and two full time Associate directors, with over 60 years of combined experience.  Please contact either Leslie G. Yerardi, Director, Laura Corbett Associate Director for more detailed information or to schedule a visit to the center.

Our Program consists of 7 classrooms.

BITC has always included children with special needs in our Center. When appropriate, referrals are made to early intervention programs, early childhood special education services, and clinics for evaluation. BITC often benefits from the consultation of professionals in meeting the needs of children. Identifying information regarding children with special needs is confidential.


Equal Opportunity Act
The center does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, marital status, sexual preference, disability, or national origin in the administration of its policies or the admission of families. Our curriculum and policies seek to honor and value differences as well as to find common ground and equal opportunity. While respect for each individual is a priority, responsibility to the group and community is also a guiding light for policy and procedure decisions.


  • Weekly Music and Movement with Wayne Potash

  • Super Soccer Stars (offered to our eldest groups for fall and spring sessions)

  • Pediatric Dentist Visit

  • Newton Fire Department

  • Newton Police Safety Officer

  • Walking field trips

  • Pumpkin Patch

  • Amazing Animals